Suit Tailoring Series: Altering Suit Jacket Shoulders

This procedure is a long requested one!

Altering the suit jacket shoulders are so often requested because it can apply to truly any jacket, it is in no way gender specific. Being able to alter the shoulders of any garment heavily impacts the overall proportions style and general look of the garment, no matter who is wearing it!

This is a very in-depth process that requires quite a bit of deconstructing and reconstructing. Learning how to perform this type of alteration on a suit jacket lends itself well to any other type of shoulder alteration as most garments don’t include quite so much structure and padding.

Follow along in the video below to take this opportunity with me to dive in deep and really get to understand shoulder shape, and construction.


Suit Tailoring Series: Lowering a Suit Jacket Collar


Suit Tailoring Series: Hemming a Suit Jacket